Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summertime And The Living Is Easy

I don't THINK so! I remember the words to that song. I beg to refute any statement of living being easy in the summertime. I'm HOT!!... and I'm in the air-conditioning. Of course, I'm also working on the computer. They tend to create a heat of their own. Also, I'm in the kitchen. Even without the stove on, I'm still thinking it is hot.

It really isn't hot compared to outside. My Indoor/Outdoor thermometer says it is 103.2 degrees, and it isn't the hottest part of the day yet. I-Needa just e-mailed a 110 degree report from her I/O... with an added note... Melting! Mercy!

I really don't know what we did before air-conditioning. I'm spoiled to that now and just wouldn't be able to survive without it. Or at least I don't think I could survive.

I remember being a child before we had air-conditioning. We got all the household chores and running around done in the morning. In the afternoon, we headed to the basement and did something quietly there. My father had a workshop for his hobbies there, and I could always find something to do. If nothing else, I could read.

I remember water coolers too. They were slightly helpful, but not like an air-conditioner. I really am grateful for the convenience of cooled air being forced into my home.

I'm also grateful for the new windows that I had installed about a year ago. They are great and do help with insulation. Before I had them installed, on the very hottest days of summer I'd pull down the blackout blinds and live in the dark. It helped keep the house cooler. Now I have light and don't feel like a cave dweller. It is much better for my general attitude.

I had a note from my cousin who lives around Seattle. She said it was in the 60's and overcast. She dreaded... (Can you imagine that?) getting out at noon, but had to go somewhere. Poor dear. I'd take those sixties right now if we could trade.

I hope you are staying cool, and perhaps you really do think that summertime is an easy living time. If so... you hang on to that thought.

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