Thursday, February 11, 2010


We had a visitor last night... Whiskey came to visit and brought his person.

This cute Corgi, who is about seven years old and still can act like a puppy, decided it was okay to spend a little time with us.

Just try to get a cute picture of pets. They move quickly, and by the time you press on the camera button to take a picture, they are off and doing something else.

I had the perfect pose here, until the shutter actually took the picture. Of course, at that very moment, Whiskey turned his head.

Isn't this a pretty pooch? Naturally, I managed to get a good up close picture of him from the side, only didn't quite get the tail end. If you are just dying to know about that, go back and check the above picture.

Anyway... running really late here this morning and must not linger too long at the computer. I just had to pop this up for you to see what a really nice visitor we had last night.

Oh... how do you like the little towel toy I made for him? His person hadn't brought a toy. By the time we played throw and chase with this a million times, it was quite wet. Whiskey can catch in mid air one hundred percent of the time. Amazing. I have a hard time catching a ball thrown at me, and sure couldn't catch it in my mouth. Well... that is really getting away from the subject. I'll leave you now as really must get running.... on all twos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

okay that is one cute corgi!!!