I had an e-mail from JuJu yesterday relating an adventure she’d had that day. I laughed and replied to her that it was excellent blog fodder. If I’m not careful, my friends may stop telling me the crazy things that happen to them. However, I’m going to take that chance today and see if I can describe her great adventure.
With the Christmas decorations returned to the attic, and the house looking a little bare, Miss JuJu ( Southern Speak) looked about her home and felt it suffered a bit from a case of the dreary blahs. It was time to punch it up, but not a total redecorating, which seemed much too big a project at the time. She just needed a little something to bring light and happiness into her decor and festive up the place.... just something to help the atmosphere.
She decided that something light or lime green would be a good thing for this ‘soon-to-be’ spring season. (Personally, I think she is trying to hurry winter along) She didn’t divulge at which store she found the answer to her problems, but I suspect a good Hobby Lobby, or something of equal value.
She decided on those popular decorating appointments known as decorative balls. She would try them on some candlesticks and in a topiary jar. It was a start. She selected five balls of various sizes, paid for them, and headed out the door.
It was a windy day. It was really really windy. As Miss JuJu made her way to the car with her newly purchased plastic sack of five green balls of various sizes, the dastardly wind swept over her, grabbing her plastic sack and turning it upside down. She gasped as three of her newly purchased soon to be lovely appointments fell out and started rolling across a very large parking lot.
(Did I mention it was cold? I don’t think I did, but it was cold. Cold and windy. That’s not a nice combination.)
So, here we have Miss JuJu with three of her precious purchases torn cruelly from her and rolling around the parking lot.... a very large parking lot... She managed to grab one. Another disappeared entirely, and the third decided to explore the parking lot.
With muffler flying in the breeze (wind) and her hair standing on end, she began an unplanned run around the parking lot. She reported that her running form was extremely geriatric in nature. As luck would have it, she had no luck.
She was persistent. Hopping back into her car to continue the search, driving around and around the parking area, she refused to give up the search. Alas, no green balls in sight!! Although she didn’t mention any grumbling on her part, it is my imagination that asks what she said to herself as she drove around and around in search of her two missing decorative balls.
I’m sad to say that the story does not have a happy ending. Miss JuJu finally had to resign herself to having only three decorative balls. With that, she returned home. Poor baby!
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