Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Custom Cardboard Furniture

I've saved this picture as just have to laugh each time I see it. It is a chair made of cardboard. Yes!...cardboard.

I took this picture in one of the bedrooms in The 2007 Southern Living Idea House in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It was such a treat to tour the home. It is a fabulous home, which is probably now on the market at an equally fabulous price.

I've often wondered who made this chair and why. I thought perhaps it was a demonstration concerning the strength of bonded layers. Someone sketched the outline of the chair on cardboard. (Yes, regular old cardboard box.) You can see the shape on the right edge of the chair. Then the shape was reproduced over and over again until it was the wide enough. The layers were glued together to form this chair. I didn't see anyone trying to sit in it, but I'm sure it would hold weight.

Perhaps this will be a new innovation in furniture. Newly weds should save all those packing boxes and create custom furniture. It might become all the rage. After all, it was good enough for Southern Living. I've heard that the home will be sold with all furnishings. I wonder if this chair will be a big draw. You have to admit, it would be a conversation piece.

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