Sunday, October 5, 2008

Torture in the A.M.

I'm going to write a quick note as I hurry out the door to church. I'm going to spare you pictures. You've seen, and it hasn't gotten any better.

MCM was here this morning. I opened the door to feed my Man Cat Pumpkin, and there was MCM on his way to sand the ceiling. In all fairness, he had warned me yesterday that he might do this. Sure enough, there he was to torture me in the A.M. There just doesn't seem to be a reprieve from the mess. It is still everywhere.

In fairness, it is just one of those things that must be done in steps and stages with time between for drying, etc. His idea was to get the MESSY part out of the way early this morning and then get on with life. It was his plan, perhaps a good plan.

It didn't go exactly as planned as he spotted a little gray area on the ceiling and pronounced it still damp. So, as quickly as he had flown in the back door, he flew out again with the promise, or threat, whichever it might be, to return again today.

I have rather a difficult time keeping up with MCM and his doings. He comes in rather like a whirlwind, and I'm never sure which way it is blowing. He has a plan, and I try to figure out what it is. There is always moving furniture, which I like to plan and do ahead of time. I like to try to defend my rights to the kitchen stove and a few other places around the house. It sometimes takes some planning as things just seem to be placed here and there in no particular order.

I'm really rather worried about this sanding thing. I've been warned repeatedly by MCM, and I do mean repeatedly. He has built this whole thing up to a thick cloud.... can hardly see through, he says.... dust everywhere... EVERYWHERE! Well... I can hardly wait for this.

Silly ME.... I actually got out my little shop vac yesterday and cleaned the chair railing in the dining room. I guess that was time foolishly spent. After all... the THICK cloud will be here soon, and I'll rue the day I called Mr. MCM. I'm sure when it is all done, I'll quit this incessant whining and return to normal. I hope. In the meantime... do feel just a little sorry for poor little me. Or not!

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