Saturday, October 4, 2008

Men At Work

My whining continues as men work at my house. My poor kitchen has furniture from the dining room and lots of tools scattered about.

The dining room shows signs of all those ceiling droppings. The nice blue tarp you see in the distance is hopefully protecting my living room from some of the dust.

I want you to see that the mess extends into the yard. There is hardly a place in or around the house that does not harbor Carpenter Man droppings. A MESS!!

However, I must keep reminding myself that this is the price I must pay for getting something accomplished.

Well... we need to be real enough to say that it is PART of the price. The big price will come at the end.

Progress is being made and now we have MEN at work, father and son. Isn't that nice??

Actually, there was a lot of work going on with the ceiling. MCM showed me a sag in the ceiling, so he went to fix it and got it all braced from the attic. Lovely, really.

MCM had a really neat machine that he used to lift the sheet rock in place. He made it himself. I was going to put it on my blog... but thought I'd best ask him first. So... you will have to be content looking at these nice slender guys with drills working on my ceiling.

So...... yesterday the sheet rock went up, then the mudding began. A little mixing and things are going to get going.

Keep looking...

There you have it.. the ceiling is in place and now begins the fun of taping and whatever wonderful thing will be done to the ceiling.

Go.... MCM (Master Carpenter Man) GO!!!

I really do love watching men work. I do. I admit it. It is better than TV. It gives me great pleasure to see things accomplished that I could never never do myself. The whole scene is really easy on the eyes.

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