The day has arrived and sheetrock will be going up on the ceiling. I've been so busy with doing little things around the house that I've not had time to look up, much less think about posting on a blog.
This photo is from yesterday when Master Carpenter Man was putting the finishing touches to the new ceiling support system. It has been fascinating to watch him. I've said it before, but he really is a master at his craft. He is a perfectionist and has been working at building for years. He knows how to do all kinds of home building things, and probably has done them all. I love the fact that he doesn't hurry and just slap something together. It is done right when he finishes it. He really is a finish carpenter.
I know this sounds rather bazaar, but I think I might actually miss seeing all this lovely wood framing. It is being covered as I write this. I have taken pictures at every step of the way, and I think I'm just going to have to make a little mini scrapbook of the event. It has been quite a journey.
I laugh every once in awhile and tell MCM that all I really wanted was a little crown molding in here. I'm certainly going to have that too. It is going to be fabulous!
I have a list of things I need to go do, but just had to find my blog and add a little something. I'll be back soon with updates. Riveting stuff, huh? I should be taking pictures of the other rooms with all the stuff crammed in them. I'll be washing glassware and sit-abouts from now until the cows come home. Now, there is a good old country saying.
I know that one day soon MCM is going to desert me, and I'm going to be left alone in this new room with all the wall painting to do. I'm going to be a sad sad sack. I'll miss someone who really knows what he is doing getting all this work done. Like I said, it will just be me left to my own devices. I'll have no choice but to step up to the plate and get the work done. That is a thought for another day.
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