I heard it in the night. It was THE sound. I heard it plainly on the roof. Splat..splat...splat...splat. Rain fell in splats and plunks. I knew. Yes, I knew we were in for that lovely winter happening. What happens when plunking splatting water and below freezing temperatures combine? Yep, we have the 'i' word this morning... ice.
The world of Small Town and Nearby Cities has come to a grinding halt once again. Travel is risky. Going down your back porch steps is risky. The best plan for feeding the cat is to fill the bowl with cat food and just slip it out the back door... close to the door. The cat has a better chance of getting on the porch than I do. School is closed... not my worry anymore. However, school is closed. Anyone with sense is closed. They should stay that way... closed.
We have a saying in our state: 'If you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change.' We didn't get that saying for no reason. It's true... really. I plan on checking in about ten minutes to see if there is any improvement. Call me an optimist.
I suppose the realist in me knows that the optimist in me is overdoing it a bit. Ten minutes isn't going to make a difference. There will be no sunshine and rising temperatures in the next ten minutes. It's going to take a couple of days, but we are promised sixty something degree temperatures in a few days. I look forward to that.
In the meantime, I'm going to consider what adventure to have inside my house today. I have a healthy 'to do' list. Perhaps I'll dig that out and peruse it for awhile. Then I'll be able to say that I at least looked at it. The optimist in me says that I'll accomplish great things today. The realist says I'll just mess around: make some cards, read a book, make some soup... and pie (my wonderful pumpkin pie).
The upside of this whole frozen world forced homebound situation is that nothing is expected of me. I don't have to go anywhere. I can stay home. I can be happy doing my own thing. Take it or leave it for a day.... I believe I'll take it.
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