Monday, May 12, 2008

Sweet Killer Cat

Sweet Little Cat with Food on His Nose... I've always rather liked this early picture of Man Cat Pumpkin who came to save me from the mice. He looks rather cute with a dab of food on his nose. He looks almost sweet. EVERYONE says he is friendly and a wonderful cat. I, NOT being a cat person, have gradually learned to accept some attention and affection from this animal that I consider to be sneaky and suspicious by nature. I get rather glaring looks from my friends, most of whom tend to love my Man Cat Pumpkin. They have chided me on more than on occasion for not taking him into my home and giving him run of the house. On that point, I remain firm.

My Cat Did WHAT!
I had some rather disturbing news the other day. My Master Carpenter Man reported to me a rather nasty find under my house. (What I'm about to say may be disturbing... so proceed at your own risk.) He had made a trip under the house to check on ventilation. It had been suggested that I needed some vents to help keep air circulating and dry out the earth underneath the house, and I had asked MCM if he could do something about that.

He didn't even cushion the news that he was about to break to me. I think I would have liked a little warning that he was about to say something gross.

So he begins: 'Say, did you know you have a decapitated squirrel under the house?'

ME: 'What? What? You have got to be kidding!! Did you say a decapitated squirrel? How did he get there? What did you do? Is he still there? How did he get there? You are kidding, aren't you? Why would you kid about a thing like that? That's not funny!!'

While I continued to rant and rave, he managed to saw a few boards. He didn't seem nearly as upset about the squirrel as I was. My mind was trying to figure out how in the world a decapitated squirrel managed to get under my house. I kept firing questions, and he didn't even change expressions. I guess he figured I'd calm down and figure it out in good time. He'd delivered the message, and his job was done.

Putting Two and Two Together
That's when the light began to dawn and Sherlock here had to admit that the number one suspect would have to be my Man Cat Pumpkin. Oh, good grief! Surely that sweet cat that everyone swears has such a good temperament wouldn't do such a heinous crime. However, he had access. I leave the access door open slightly to allow him to go in and out as needed. That's one strike against him. What about motive? Does a cat need motive?

I'm wondering if I'm not being a tad hypocritical. I was delighted to have him provide protection against mice. Did I honestly think he stood there and hollered 'Boo!' at passing mice? Not likely. I've also seen an occasional feather in the yard. A time or two, a bird has been attached to the feather. I've admitted that Pumpkin probably did that as well. I've seen him stalking the shrubbery at Mother's house. Of course.... he is a hunter. A hunter hunts.

Still... I'm having a hard time with this decapitation business. It seems really gross to me. I'm not a hunter. I'm a peace loving person and a tad squeamish at that. I like animals who are fluffy and friendly, not gross and cannibalistic.

Dealing With Reality
I guess I'm going to have to deal with this new revelation in my cat's behavior. I'll continue to feed and care for him. Deep down, I really do like him. I will probably look at him with a slightly different understanding. I certainly will feel better about being guarded.

Two things are for sure.
It's for darn sure that I'll not be going under the house.
Pumpkin is going back to the vet this week as is time for his rabies shot.

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