Monday, May 19, 2008

I'd Never Seen This Before

And Neither Had I-Needa

A couple of weeks ago, there was a transition time going on in I-Needa's class, and she overheard two of her boys talking about robots and cars. She asked if they were talking about Transformers. They looked at her rather oddly and asked if she really knew about Transformers. I-Needa explained that her brother had some when they were kids and they used to play with them. She proceeded to sing the Transformer song, and they joined in with her.

Kids sometimes think adults are out of touch, but I-Needa felt she went up a couple of notches on their, 'Well, she may be old, but she's got her cool moments' o-meter. Somehow 'markers' entered the conversation and they were also surprised that she had had markers as a child. Quote: 'I didn't know they were invented THAT long ago!'

Catching their rather cool teacher up to speed, they told her about the new toothbrushes that sing the Transformers song while you brush your teeth. You press a button on the toothbrush and stick it in your mouth. It sings to you for 2 minutes to time your brushing. You can hear it outside your mouth, but it is suppose to be much louder when set against your teeth.

A few days later, one of I-Needa's boys walked into the room and thrust something into her hand while grinning the biggest grin she'd ever seen and declaring, "I went shopping with Mom last night, and I got this for you!" She took it out of the package, and he showed her where to press the button. Everybody became very excited about the fact that she was going to brush her teeth that night and have this fabulous experience.

She did, indeed, get that brush thing going, and here is her report:

"I must admit, it is rather tempting to get your groove on when you have music going through your mouth into your ear. I've tried it. What a hoot! There is a little label on the actual brush that is to be removed before using. It says, 'For better sound and a better planet, turn off the water while you brush!' Gotta love that"

By the way, the whole thing is ADA approved! There are other song-brushes out there. He just believed that her life wouldn't be complete until she had the Transformers one.

I'm seeing a rush to the store by all the grand and great grandmothers of the world. Surely, no kid should be left behind. Heck, be a kid again and try one yourself. Tah Dah!

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