Thursday, May 8, 2008

Perhaps I Need A Boat

Rain, Rain, Rain, Deluge, Rain, and Rain!
It seems we are in full springtime mode. If it isn't raining, it's pouring. It did it again yesterday. It rained all morning off and on. In the afternoon the sky opened up and it poured buckets of water. I checked before the deluge began and had a good inch and three quarters of water in my rain gauge. I stood at the window watching as the back yard became a pond. Water was rolling down the street. I'm on a hill, so it was really rolling down the street. I began contemplating the possibility that I'd need a boat soon. I'd never put it on my list of emergency provisions, but perhaps it was time I added that item.

At last the water stopped pouring from the sky, and it turned into a sprinkle. I took the opportunity to wade out to my rain gauge and found a full four inches of water there.

I settled in again and was happily sitting at my computer doing a little creative work on a program. I really was a happy little camper without a care in the world.

Then the phone rings and I-Needa said, 'Well, the tornado sirens are going off here.' 'WHAT!?', I said. To her credit, she doesn't get overly excited about it. It has become somewhat of a way of life. It happens. I'm afraid we would have a sorry life if we got upti
ght and maxed out with every severe storm. Living in Tornado Alley does have some drawbacks, but it doesn't have to be the focus of life.

'So', I said, 'exactly where is the tornado, and are you in the closet?' She wasn't in the closet yet, but was sitting cross legged on the big coffee table right in front of the TV. It is just a few steps from the closet. She does have some supplies there, so it isn't a big thing to just go in and close the door.

I always love hearing I-Needa's take on the intenseness of the weathermen and their reporting. Some seem to get terribly excited about getting their information to the public. Others tend to remain calm. We would rather listen to the latter.

I-Needa and I confirmed that we were praying for safety. I think we both felt better, and I-Needa got off the phone promising to call back when the storm passed. It was a rather
fast moving storm, so didn't last long, and she soon called back with that good news.

The severe part of the storm left my area out of the loop yesterday. I have to admit being rather happy about that. Unfortunately, some areas had an evening ahead full of wind, water, and possible tornadoes.

It really seems to be an increasing pattern of severe weather. I don't mind a bit of rain or a bit of wind, but when the words severe, large hail, and tornadoes are tossed around, it makes one wonder if they are adequately prepared for disaster. Perhaps a nice big boat in the back yard would look good. Oh, that is really Right Back's boat... but, that is another story.

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