Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where is THEIR Sign?

I had to laugh this morning when I saw what my daughter I-Needa had published on Facebook. I told her that had to be blogged and she said to go ahead and copy it. So here you have it, Dear Readers. This is my laugh for the day:

"So, I can't keep plants alive in pots on the driveway by the garage. Have tried several times. Resorted to fake monkey grass from Hobby Lobby in pots from WalMart. Came home to find the yard crew had trimmed it. Trimmed it. With weed whackers. My FAKE monkey grass. IN POTS...TRIMMED! Somehow, 2 inch tall monkey grass just doesn't do it for me."

I love that saying about crazy things people say or do: So, where's your sign. I'm wondering if the yard crew needs one too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is TOOOO funny. How did the real plants in your yard look?
I bet they thought that was some tough grass!!