Friday, April 30, 2010

Savoring The Moment

Sometimes we are justified or redeemed in the strangest way. Yesterday brought a little slice of sunshine that goes with the theory of ‘what goes around, comes around.’

In my blog about Ranch Wife Job, I left out a little fact about my almost getting the truck stuck in the pens. Note, I said ‘almost.’ I’d led the cattle up the road and through the gate into the pen area. My job was to drive on around the barn to get out of the way, I guess. I started around the back side of the barn and ran into a nice bunch of mud. I knew right away that the truck wasn’t going to want to get on through it and around the barn. I sure didn’t want to dig the tires on into the mud, so I stopped where I was and figured I’d wait for Mr. to give me further instructions.

So... Mr. came around the barn, looked at me, and told me to back up. I leaned out the window and told him I was stuck. The conversation went something like this:

Me...(leaning out the window) ‘Honey, I’m stuck.’

Mr: ‘Give it some gas!’

Me: ‘I did give it gas. It’s stuck. I don’t want to bury the tires.’

Mr: ‘Put it in reverse and give it gas!’

Me: ‘Okay... I did that and it still doesn’t go.’

Mr: (yelling... so I’d be sure and hear...) ‘Really give it gas... keep on the gas... gas... gas!!! Keep coming!!!! Gas, more gas!!!

Me: Okay... I hear you! (I gave it gas gas gas and it moved moved moved)

Having completed the back up process, Mr. continued to direct my backing as I really couldn’t see behind me with the feeder blocking the back window and the right side view mirror turned in. He did an excellent job of yelling me around the pen and into the right position to head on out of the pens again. Bless him.

So... yesterday I was cooking some dinner when the phone rang. It was Mr. He told me that he was stuck. ‘Stuck?’, I replied. ‘Yes, stuck’, said Mr. I asked him if he had gotten stuck in my new red truck. He said that he hadn’t been stuck in ten years and he didn’t think much of my new red truck. He said it wouldn't budge even in four wheel drive. I told him that he wasn’t suppose to take my new red truck out to any old muddy pasture. He asked very nicely if I would head out to the pasture and pick him up... again. I’ve done this before.

I savored the idea that was brewing in my mind all the way to the country and the appointed pasture. He had walked to the road so I wouldn’t have to drive in to get him. I pulled off the highway, unlocked the doors, and waited for him to get into my car. I could feel the little dickens in me growing more gleeful. As he opened the door and started to get inside, I smiled and asked him the question: ‘Honey, are you sure you gave it enough gas?’ Yes, indeed, life is good. Tah Dah

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ranch Wife Job

On Tuesday I accepted the challenge from Mr. to help with a little ranching thing. It would be my job to drive the feed truck letting out a little feed as I went so the cattle would follow me out of the pasture and into the pens. There he would do the unspeakable acts of 'working cattle'. Poor babies!

Let me begin with a little review of personal history. Princess here (that's me) has NOT grown up around ranching... other than to say it is part of our local economy. Any hands on activity by me was strictly done at the grocery store. I purchased meat and ate it.... cooking it first, of course. Driving a feed truck was never a life long goal.

I must also review that I've never owned a vehicle with a standard transmission. I rather like the automatic. There is far less work to an automatic transmission. I told Mr. that right off the bat. I told him long ago that IF I were ever to drive a feed truck, it would have to be a red truck with automatic transmission. He was okay with the red part, but scoffed mightily at the idea of owning a feed truck without standard transmission. It just isn't done. I think God did one of his little God Wink things and Mr. ended up with a new used truck.... red... with automatic transmission.

I will admit that I could drive one in my mind. That's to say that I know the principle of brake, clutch, shift, gas, release clutch slowly. Such tap dancing sounds a bit like over kill to me. I prefer the brake/shift/ gas and go method.... no more shifting required.

So... I arrived at my appointed place to begin my first ranch task as Mr.'s wife. I'd warned him ahead of time that he absolutely couldn't yell at me. He smiled. I didn't. I wasn't going to listen to any yelling about my helping ability. So... he yelled just a little before we got started and said that would get it out of his system. Funny man.

Then he led me to his really old beat up feed truck with standard transmission and told me to get in... I would drive THAT one. 'No, No, No!!' I was adamant. He was irritated. I was glad I'd gotten a little kiss before we started this project as figured that would be the last one for awhile. He was irked that I wouldn't try to drive that old standard transmission truck. I held out for the new red one with automatic. He hasn't used it much and didn't think the cattle would follow it. I figured they'd follow anything with the promise of food.

So... he gave in... not too graciously, and took me though the path I was to follow and even drove right into the pens and around the barn to show me exactly what to do. I really did appreciate that as didn't have to guess.

Then he turned my nice red truck with automatic over to me. He showed me how to let out feed and sent me on my way while he headed out on his horse (4-wheeler). I took my position and watched the cattle watching me. I just prayed they would follow. I started slowly out of the pasture with curious eyes watching. I opened the feed chute and heard the rattle. So did all the little critters standing around. They knew that rattle and started coming. I drove VERY slowly and they were coming, coming, coming. Once in awhile I'd let out just a little food, but I was rather stingy with that as know what that costs. I figured as long as they were following, I was good to go.

I had remembered to turn in the outside mirror on the right side of the truck. Those things stick out and I had to drive through some narrow gates into the pens. I sure didn't want to knock off a mirror on the red automatic friend of mine. So.... I watched behind with that one side mirror and drove slowly watching for Mr. to bring up the rear and round up any who chose to wander around.

My whole adventure didn't take very long, and I was through the pens with all the cattle behind me. Then I got to drive out, get out of the truck, and was free to take some pictures while Mr. sorted cows and calves.

I decided not to stick around for the finale. Watching the 'working' wasn't what I had planned for my entertainment. Mr. says that he doesn't really like to do it either, but it has to be done. You know..... a little neutering of the bull and branding of all.... nasty work.

After the calves were separated, some of the cows headed back up the road. I will say that many returned after awhile to check up on their babies in the pens. They stood around and looked really concerned. I wonder if they remember when they were young and went through the branding. Poor dears.

I might just be too tender hearted to be a ranch wife. I'll limit myself to taking pictures of more pleasant things, driving the RED truck, and perhaps acquiring a bumper sticker that says 'Eat More Beef!'

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I'm going to do a quick post this morning and work on more. I woke up on Sunday morning with no Internet service. My poor little Internet gateway had served me faithfully for five years and four months, but passed away sometime during the early morning. All its little lights were gone. Nothing... no response as I tried to give it CPR. I had to face the music that I was going to have to call and get a new one. It arrived yesterday, and I'm up and running again.

I found a site on the Internet for photography enthusiasts. It's not a professional site, but gives lots of little tips and offers challenges, and seems to be a fun place. It's called Digital Photography School. Their assignment last weekend was called 'Eyes'. I selected one of the pictures of Pumpkin, cropped it, and came up with this. Of course, when my Internet died on Sunday morning, I was unable to load it to the site. I decided to share with you. You had lots of cat pictures the other day, and now you have a close-up. Lucky you. Just know, I'm having tons of fun with my new camera.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Caught Cat Napping

This afternoon I happened to catch Pumpkin stretched out by a discarded flower pot having a really nice snooze. He opened his eyes a bit when he saw me coming.

I've been playing with my new toy Snappy and just happened to have it ready for a few pictures. So... I snapped a picture of Pumpkin lying there in the grass having a little look at me and hoping I wouldn't really bother him.

I believe Pumpkin decided to ignore me. He shut his eyes and played like he didn't know I was around. Snappy and I took his picture.



He just had to check on his playing asleep progress, so ventures to open his eyes a bit.

'Oh, dear... Snappy and that person of mine are still hanging around trying to spoil my nice peaceful nap.

I'll just give this another try...

I'll close my eyes really tight and I'll bet they will go away. I'll outlast them... I really will.



Dang it, they are still around. Surely they aren't going to hang around all afternoon and spoil my fun. I really need to do something drastic.

Let me think here....

Must get back to snoozing soon.

Maybe if I turn my head over and look at them upside down, they will go away.

Hum.... they look funny that way.

I see them. They haven't gone away yet.

Go away person.
Go away Snappy

Okay... this has got to work. I'll just change directions and see if that helps. At least I can just stare at a blade of grass or something.

People and their cameras are just wrong. They need to leave a busy cat alone in the sunshine.

Go away... shoo.... scat... silly person!'

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fresh Spring Flowers

I attended a little event yesterday and had a chance to play with my new camera ... Snappy, my Canon Rebel T1i. I was asked to be the photographer for our little event. It was one of those organizational assignments, no pay here, just one of the group doing my thing.... I was thrilled to get a chance to work inside under florescent lighting trying to learn how to use that camera.

Actually, I took almost two hundred pictures during the day, and I thought about it later and wondered if perhaps I'd made a pest of myself. Everyone seemed to ignore me. No one threw anything at me. I guess it was okay. I'm really not sure, though. I seemed to have gotten caught up in the act of turning Snappy on the world.

There were a number of lovely fresh flower arrangements around the room, and I just had to set the dial to Macro and lean in for some flower shots. I really liked these and decided to put them on the blog for you to enjoy as well. I don't know that they are prize winners for any reason, but think they are pretty just the same. I love taking pictures to use as my computer desktop background.
I rather like this pink lovely as well. I would love to have a beautiful garden with some of these growing. That's not going to happen anytime soon, but I think they would be beautiful.

Actually, taking really close up shots is starting to appeal to me more and more. I may need to work on that a bit. There is something that might be challenging about getting just the right composition, lighting, etc. I almost feel myself being pulled into it as I write.

First, I feel a little nap coming on. It's Sunday and a drippy wet day. The sky is overcast, and my eyelids want to droop. I think I'll head toward the sofa and take a little snooze as quickly as possible.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where is THEIR Sign?

I had to laugh this morning when I saw what my daughter I-Needa had published on Facebook. I told her that had to be blogged and she said to go ahead and copy it. So here you have it, Dear Readers. This is my laugh for the day:

"So, I can't keep plants alive in pots on the driveway by the garage. Have tried several times. Resorted to fake monkey grass from Hobby Lobby in pots from WalMart. Came home to find the yard crew had trimmed it. Trimmed it. With weed whackers. My FAKE monkey grass. IN POTS...TRIMMED! Somehow, 2 inch tall monkey grass just doesn't do it for me."

I love that saying about crazy things people say or do: So, where's your sign. I'm wondering if the yard crew needs one too.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Winner

I realize I've been missing in action. In the real world, it happens. It just does. Please forgive me.

Mr. went to a dinner the other night and paid for a little piece of paper that went into a special little bowl. You know what I mean.

His name was called, and he was given this cedar box and lovely Pendleton blanket to bring home.

I told him that I never win anything. He said this is the second time in his life that he has won something. The first was many years ago when he won a straw ranch hat from a local clothier. He said that he was really proud of that hat.

He was heading into town and had the hat on his head. He decided to do a little mowing and bumped his head on a tree limb. Before he could do anything to stop it, the nice straw hat went sailing off his head and into the mower. It was not a pretty sight.

I told Mr. that he'd best keep the blanket away from mowers or bush hogs.... no more chopping up his prizes. Funny, huh?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Glory! Master Carpenter Man Returns

After an eight month absence, Master Carpenter Man returned. I can't tell you how happy I was to see his red truck arrive. He is absolutely the ONLY one I'll trust with carpentry things. He is a perfectionist. Everyone needs a perfectionist in their life when it comes to attacking house repair and such.

You may, or may not, remember that he was here for seven months... yes, seven months, working on my kitchen and dining room. He thought he would never escape. I was afraid he would never return. This morning, he did, and I'm thrilled.

I've had a nasty elusive evasive whatever place lurking somewhere on the roof that at times allows water to seep into the guest bedroom. The poor ceiling in there is much the worse for wear. I know that if anyone can find the culprit and repair it, it is MCM.

As I write, he is still working on the flashing, which he says wasn't installed right in the beginning. One thing I really like about MCM is his problem solving skills. He can find a solution for anything, and doesn't cut corners to do it. Love that. The end result is right.
Oh... that funny tree on the roof is an antenna. Yep, some probably wouldn't know one if they saw it. It doesn't work anymore since everything went digital. I have satellite, but liked to keep this around for times when rain fade takes away my picture. Now... no picture from the antenna. I suppose I could do something about that. Actually, son Right Back could fix it, but I haven't had time to think about it.

I had to put two pictures of MCM walking around on the roof. I just love seeing him there and thought you should have at least two pictures. It makes me happy just knowing that he is on the job and things are going to be repaired when he leaves. Yea!!! Of course, after awhile, he will come back and put in a new guest bedroom ceiling. We will give it awhile to make sure things are as they should be. I think it will be fine. Have a happy day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Bunny

Happy Easter! It is that wonderful day that we celebrate as Christians. I know, it isn't about the Easter Bunny, or EB, as we call him.

However, I discovered this morning when I headed to the coffee pot, that EB had been here. Surprise!

I have a feeling that Mr. had something to do with it, but you can never tell. Let's just say that it was a surprise. I have a feeling that EB has been busy throughout the night delivering eggs and chocolate rabbits. By the way, we all love chocolate. It's great to have a fun loving guy around to carry on the joy of youth and tradition. Here's to tradition, Mr. Hubby, and the extraordinary hare EB.

We will remember the real reason for celebration at church this morning! I hope everyone gets to attend and remember the greatest gift of all.