Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mind Stretching and Bending

I realize that I haven't posted anything for a few days. My mind has been working overtime on my new adventure. I've been exercising my thinking cells to the point of bruising them. I've stretched them and bent them in new directions. I thought for awhile that I might never be able to think coherently again.

It reminds me of the time I joined up at our local fitness center. I decided I wanted to learn to work with the exercise ball. I remember doing this squat thing against the wall on that ball, and I remember clearly the trainer mentioning something about the possibility that I would be really sore. Then he gave me some tips for easing any discomfort. I thought the man was crazy. I'd done eight, only eight, of those squats with the exercise ball. Why on earth would I ache.

Well.... let me tell you in no certain terms that the next day brought pain... PAIN. I thought I had perhaps damaged myself beyond any possible salvage. I must have ripped something or done something else to my otherwise happy body.

At that point I thought I'd never be able to walk again, much less head to the center and actually do anything. I skipped a day and worked with rubbing a bit of medicine on my calves and popping a few pain relieving pills.

When I returned and explained that I had killed myself with the eight squats, the trainer again explained why I had hurt and said that was good. 'Good', I said. 'Hum... easy for you to say!'

I haven't had anyone talk to me about possibly hurting my brain. I don't know who I would ask about something like that. Really.

I just know that my poor brain began to shut down with too much information. I almost began to understand how some computers (not my Apple) can get sensory overload and just close everything. I really did.

I am better today. I've quit waking up in the night with questions that demand I get up immediately to find the answer. That is really annoying. Seriously.... I would roll over and do that just barely becoming aware thing. Then I would start thinking... and thinking... with more thinking. At that point, I always figure that I might as well get up and deal with my thoughts if there is any remote possibility of getting one more wink of sleep.

I've made another 'to do' list. It looks a little like Santa's list in terms of length. I'll at least be able to check things off and trick myself into thinking I've accomplished something.

I remember when the trainer made me go do some stretching and bending exercise to help me with my soreness. I guess I'm going to have to apply that to my poor brain and at least do a little mind stretching and bending today. It will help, I'm sure. Tah Dah

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