Saturday, April 16, 2011

Changing Up and Changing Out

After a long long pause in posting (That's putting it mildly), I decided to try it again.  I can't explain exactly why I'm stepping back into the ritual of a self imposed writing schedule, so let's just say I've either come to my senses or lost my mind.

Since the last post, life has been all about change.  I'm not talking about little tiny changes.  I'm talking BIG changes.  I thought I'd been through the big changes, but I was wrong.  After fourteen months of daily doings and trying to get with the program of a new life, I woke up one day to the realization that nothing, absolutely nothing, seemed humorous any more.  I had a problem.  It was big and needed a solution.

After much prayer, some Godly counsel, meditation, and considering the importance of life, I decided to change up and change out.  The changing up meant stepping back into the life of the real me.  That's the happy one.  That's the confident one.  That's the one that sees the present and future as a happy place.  Unfortunately, the only way to get there was to change out.

Changing out meant cutting ties that were suppose to be strong, but weren't.  Changing out meant eliminating the weights that seemed to be dragging me down rather than lifting me up.  Changing out meant realizing that somewhere along the way I'd taken a path that was not my path.

The long and short of it is that I had to set Mr. free to do his thing so that I could do mine.  Some decisions in life are sad and difficult.  This was one of them for me.  However, I'm now in a far far better place than before.  The good times, even the green bean canning, will be remembered.  The more difficult times I'll let go.

I'm back, and I hope to stay awhile.  A blessed day to all!  


Mary said...

I am so glad you are back.

Anonymous said...

I,also, am glad you are back and that you are happy again!


Anonymous said...

You said it well. Nothing to regret. Lindy

Frank Williams said...

Love you, just the way you are!

Brenda said...

Yea!!! You're back. I look forward to reading your post. Keep 'em coming. Take care.