Monday, May 4, 2009

Goodbye Sink

After a week of rain and no work, Master Carpenter Man has returned to tear up everything is sight and start putting in the cabinets. Alas, the sink is going. This thoughtful man has left the sink in place through all these months, but now it must go... absolutely must go. I'm going to get to experience doing dishes in pans in the bathtub. Lovely. It really doesn't sould ideal, but it is what one does.

Here we have the process of destruction.

Look at the big empty space below the kitchen windows. Someday... soon... (I HOPE)... there will be a new look here.

I have to admit that I'm more than ready to get this process over and get back to some sort of a normal life. I'm not sure what a normal life is anymore.

Last week MCM set one of the base cabinets in. However, there is still work to do over here, and he couldn't bring his table saw. The silly man didn't want to have his table saw sitting in the rain outside. He is so picky. Just kidding.

I do have a stove! I'm going to be so thankful when all is back in place. I may not even know how to act.

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