Monday, April 7, 2008

One of THOSE Days

I'm afraid my Saturday was one of THOSE days. I suppose we need THOSE days occasionally to remind us of the preciousness of the ordinary days.

I was really enjoying life on Saturday morning. I finally had gotten to my craft room to make some cards. I was on a roll and even managed to make about four cards. Then I decided to head to Mother's house to check on her and take along my new cards. She loves to make cards, so is always an appreciative looker.

While visiting with Mother, she mentioned that one of her lights didn't seem to brighten, and the microwave would barely go. Now, that just didn't sound good. I called Son Right Back, who came right over and checked the electric current with man meters. He ended up calling the electrical department of our small city and they came out to see about it. They ended up having to pull her meter. Oh, joy! No electric on a Saturday! That is rather like getting sick on Friday as soon as the doctor's office closes. Good old Right Back got on the phone and managed to get a licensed electrician there. Imagine! On a Saturday!

I had been worried about Mother's food, so managed to drag most of it to my place. Now the laws of nature would say that if I managed to get all the food moved, she would get the electric back. If I didn't move it, she would be without electric all weekend. I opted to err on the side of getting electric, so moved food.

Thankfully, after waiting around for the electrician, then waiting around again for the City employee to return with the meter, power was restored. That was a joyful moment. I had envisioned that Mother would be my guest for awhile and knew that she would much prefer to stay put in her own home. We all have our little schedules and such. Company and a one bathroom house can be a challenge at times.

While I was on a roll, I managed to get all the food returned as didn't want to put off what I could do that day.

The second thing that played around with my afternoon peace was the little trick my computer decided to play. At one point, as I was running through the kitchen, I noticed that I needed to do updates. I clicked 'ok' and typed in my password. Later, as I was sailing through the kitchen with food, I noted that it was time to restart the computer. As it came back up, I saw that the screen was barely lit.

You must understand that my computer and I have a thing about each other. I care for it and it is happy with me. Why it had a dim screen after rebooting, I have no idea. I think it will forever remain a mystery. I just know that it was another thing to cram into my already full Saturday afternoon.

With the electrician adventure closed, I decided that I had to do something about the computer. I searched around on it for awhile, but could barely see what was written on the screen. I knew the computer was working, but I just couldn't see it. I opted for a call to George, a man who loves Apple Computers and has been the techie sort for years.

Thankfully, George wasn't busy and came right over. Thank you, Techie George!! I really really hate to admit how stupid I felt when he went right to the problem and with a click and a slide brightened the screen. I'd been there too and didn't see that little slide to brighten the screen. I think my mind was just warped from too many other things that day. After all, it had been one of THOSE days.

I'm telling you that I was more than glad when the clock said I could go to bed. It had been a full day with my Mother's electric and my computer. I was just glad to be able to close my eyes knowing that all is well that ends well. She had electric and I had a bright screen. I began my prayers with 'Thank you, Lord,...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz' I'm sure He understood.

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