Sunday, December 30, 2007

Gee, I-Needa

It was very cold when I-Needa visited for Christmas. She has a home with a second floor, so is accustomed to having all that nice warm air head for the ceiling and the upstairs. I, on the other hand, must have a little chill in the air to really have a good night's sleep. Therefore, I DO turn the thermostat down a mite at night. I try to keep things moderated a bit for I-Needa, but I've come to the conclusion that there is just no fix for it. She is always cold.

I have to say that I thought she might have gone over the edge a bit when I noticed that she was ready to go to bed, and so was Gigi. I flipped on the light and told her that I was sorry, but it was just a Canon moment. (Should be Kodak, but I like my Canon) So I snapped a picture and can't resist sharing it. I'll probably get a call when I-Needa sees this one.

I know there are some who will view this with distaste. Others will think it is extremely cute. One thing for sure, Gigi is well taken care of and a gently spoiled pooch. Maybe that is what makes her so sweet.

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