I admire anyone who spends time outside tending to their lawn and garden. They manage to have such lovely things around. My poor yard is sadly neglected. I can't help it. It's outside, and I don't like outside much in the summer. I tend to wilt rapidly when exposed to extreme temperature. I prefer the indoors and opt to fuss around the house. I let the outdoors take its natural course. I've discovered it is pointless to try to pull weeds. I've tried that. They grow back at an alarming rate. I know that my gardening friend Juju is going to read this and shake her head. She loves her yard and sacrifices herself to it constantly. She is good. I am bad.
While visiting relations in Missouri, I was shocked to see all the hibiscus growing in one of my family member's yards. I'm telling you... look at the SIZE of the white flower. It is a hibiscus... dinner plate size. NJ had a yard full of them in all colors. She is one of THOSE people... Juju's kind of people... good, not bad.
Just look how pretty this one is. These delicate things don't look like they hate hot humid weather. They look pretty fresh and happy... if a flower can look happy.
Ah, here is a little bud getting ready to spring forth. Doesn't that sound refreshing? 'Spring forth' I just thought the color was beautiful, and I repeat that I was amazed at all the plants and varieties of plants, etc. This NJ had done her time in the yard with watering and weed pulling, I'm sure.
I'm not sure about a name for this funny little flower. I hope that Juju or another kind soul who is more outside oriented will clue me in here and supply a name for this lovely little thing.
I couldn't resist leaning in close to this one and hoping I'd get a bee picture. What is a garden without a bee?... not a very good garden. I was leaning in fairly close to take this picture and hoping that the bee liked the flower better than me. I sure didn't want a bee in my nose.
I hope you enjoy these little pictures of some of God's creations. I'm always amazed at the things He has made.... so delicate... so intricate. I'm glad He put them there and gave them some amazing people to care for them.
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