I survived Death By Shrubbery! I told you that I'd probably be bragging on myself if I survived the trimming of the shrubs. I'll confess that I'm not completely finished with the second shrub, but I have lots done, and I am very pleased with myself.
Yesterday morning I started bagging those very sticky ouchy limbs. I decided to play it smart and use my leather gloves. As I searched the craft building for them, it began to dawn on me that I'd given them to Right Back one day when he couldn't find his and was desperate. They were too big on me, but fit him fine. So... I have no leather gloves. I really was a tad sad as knew my poor little fingers were in for another day of being tortured by those sticky ouchy leaves. They hurt!
Next I went to the tool house to retrieve the metal stand for these filling the bag jobs. No stand! My suspicions immediately ran to Right Back. I'll bet he hauled it off for something and intended to bring it right back. I've yet to address this issue with him.... but I will.
So, poor little me had no gloves or stand, and here was this nasty filling job to do... ouchy leaves and all. I managed... of course I did. I had to do it the old fashioned way: Cloth gloves (the same ones I used when cutting them), a rake, and lots of bending over. At least I can claim that I exercised. Hey, I really do try to find the positive in things. Claiming exercise for the day is a definite positive... one I need more of... much more.
So, here you see the lovely six... count them.... six... bags of shrubbery debris sitting by the trash can waiting for pick up today. I hurried outside in my nightgown and took a pic as knew you would really really be devastated if you didn't get to see it. It is such a lovely sight.
I realize this is another subject entirely, but I have to give it to Right Back that he showed up yesterday and intervened in the great mouse flinging event. He doesn't seem to mind at all doing that flinging job. Here I was complaining and carrying on something awful, and he just handled it for me. My hero... my kid.
Daylight is burning, and I do believe I need to go do something... even if it is wrong. Don't worry, I'll confess it, wrong or not. At least I'm alive and have survived shrubbery and mice. Tah Dah!
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