Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I-Needa's God Story

The Need

I-Needa and several of her friends have been having 'Girls' Night' one Saturday evening a month. They have a great time together. There is always food involved, some card games, and lots of fun conversation.

The problem has been trying to get everyone around her table. It had two leaves, but both leaves were ruined when water seeped into her closet from a neighboring wall. Getting as many as seven around her table has been a smidge too close.

The Request

I-Needa began evaluating the situation and realized that she needed to get a table and chairs that would accommodate the group. This table/chair/hutch combo had belonged to her grandmother 'Mum' on her father's side of the family. She didn't want to sell it, but she might give the table and chairs to her brother Right Back and buy new ones. She didn't want a really large table as her space is limited.

I-Needa voiced her request in one of her prayers. She had shopped around on the Internet, but felt she couldn't afford what she was seeing. She told God that what she wanted was what she already had but with two leaves.

Listening for Answers

I-Needa was waiting patiently and had the thought to check out Craig's list. (I'd not heard of that one, but checked it out myself when she was telling me this story). So, she got on the Internet and headed over to see what Craig's list had to offer. WELL! There was a listing in her community for a table and four chairs.... no picture. I-Needa e-mailed the lady (Ann) and explained that she had a small space and needed a round table, but with two leaves. She wondered if Ann would send her a picture. She got a picture of th
e table as it sits in Ann's garage.

God Cracks Her Up
That is exactly what I-Need
a said as she looked at the picture of the table and chairs. Well, isn't that what she asked for? Indeed. It is just amazing to know that God really does pay attention to our little needs and desires. Asking Him to participate in our everyday life, even in the little things, surely does give Him an opportunity to demonstrate that He is interested in us and provides in little things as well as the big ones. Of course, I-Needa immediately saw His hand in this and gave Him the thanks. She got so tickled that she said, 'God cracks me up!'

I-Needa couldn't resist sendin
g a photo back to Ann and asking if she saw any similarities. Ann replied that her set had belonged to her grandmother too. They began discussing and sharing, and Ann decided this was a God thing. They started talking about getting the items moved, and found they live a little under a mile apart. How nice... not even a big amount of travel involved.

Purchasing and Tying Up Loose Ends

I-Needa told Ann that she wants to buy the table and chairs...of course. Arrangements are in the works to get
them to I-Needa's house.

One little thing: What to do with the extra table. She has a cute little table and chairs in the kitchen that was given to her by a friend when she first moved into her new condo. (That's another God story.) I-Needa decided that she could move the extra table and chairs into the kitchen, but then she would have to do something with the other one. She hated to call Lee about it, but decided that she would ask her what she wanted to do about her table and chairs.

It turns out that Lee's daughter will soon be moving out of their home and will be needing some furniture. Lee seemed very happy to be able to have her furniture back. How nice that she can send
her daughter off with something familiar to use.

I-Needa called her grandmother Mimi telling her all about the event. Mimi said that she had been trying to figure out what to get I-Needa for her upcoming birthday. She would love to buy this table and chairs for her.

So I-Needa is soon to have her table and chairs with two leaves. The girls will no longer have to scrunch together on Girls' Night. The new chairs and old chairs will work beautifully together. She doesn't even have to pay for them as they are going to be a gift from Mimi. And....... Lee's daughter now has something from her household to take with her into her new life.

The Moral

All is appreciated more when we are able to ask and know that our God pays attention and loves to be involved. I'm sure that I-Needa's reaction to the picture cracked God up too. I'm sure He had to smile. Mimi was so excited to be able to bless I-Needa with the money for her need. Think how tickled God is to be able to bless her. The big thing is the closeness and reliance and recognition that is involved. It is an everyday walk and a special relationship. It is available to all of us.

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