Monday, May 5, 2008

Charitable Giving

I was talking with Mother the other day, and we were discussing all the mail that she receives on an almost daily basis asking for donations.

I told her about a website that is useful to check on organizations. Charity Navigator is a wonderful web source to evaluate the financial health of America's charities. It lists in depth details about each charity. You can also compare like charities. I think it is a wonderful way to make an informed decision about supporting an organization. Personally, I'd prefer to have my money going to a charity that would use it responsibility and put the largest portion into the actual program.

One of my own favorites is Compassion International. I'd been happily associated with that years ago. The child I sponsored was grown, and I had my own to raise, so didn't opt to sponsor another child at that time. I was curious and went to check it out at Charity Navigator. I was so impressed with their management of funds. Given four out of four stars, they are listed as using 94% of their funds for actual program expenses. I spent some time looking through the pictures of children around the world who are in need of sponsors. I found one who tugged at my heart. I really felt that tug was God telling me to do something about it. I now have a darling little four year old girl from Brazil to pray for and support in a small monetary way each month. My donation can effect a big difference in her life.

Compassion International works through churches in the areas they are in. Their purpose is to change lives of children by helping them in Jesus Name. It is about feeding, educating, and giving opportunity. It is about hope.

I'm not usually in to blogging about charities and sites, but just felt the urge to go there today. I hope you take some time to check out the sites.

One more thing:
Some time ago I posted a link to Free Rice on the side of my blog. I'm ashamed to say that I'd forgotten to go there myself lately. Then I saw a piece about it on TV the other night and how people are being fed around the world by the support of its sponsors. I went there again this morning and played the game. It is a rather fun thing to do and another good way to keep the old brain grinding away. The cost to me is nothing monetary, just a few minutes of my time. I'm going to include a nicer link to keep on my site. So, look for it to the right.

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