Wednesday, April 23, 2008


One of the blogger laws seems to be to do it every day. Right. Personally, I'm not sure how the really dedicated bloggers do it. I'm beginning to think of myself as a potential failure in that department. I imagine another law is not to whine on the Internet. So...... I'll move on.

I've been doing the hospital thing with my mother. I'm extremely grateful to still have a hospital in our small town. I can't imagine living where there is no hospital nearby. Over the years, our community has declined in numbers, and our hospital has less service now than when I was young, but we still have a hospital. Other small communities have had to close their hospitals. I'm grateful to still have one with open doors.

I'm also grateful for caring health care workers. There is NO nurse in me. Not one iota! NO nurse in me... period. I can take a room full of children and organize and teach them, but I can't be a nurse. Actually, I believe I've covered that thought, so will move on.

We've had warmer temperatures lately. I noticed that it was a tad warm in Mother's hospital room, and she didn't have her covers on either. She did mention that she was too warm. The nurse immediately turned on the air-conditioning controls in the room. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to be working. A building maintenance man was summoned immediately. He checked a few things, then came back and said that he would install a window unit for her.

I'm wondering if you are as amazed as I was at the previous statement. The man just said that he was going to go fetch a window air-conditioning unit and install it because Mother was a little warm. I couldn't believe my ears.

He proved good on his word, and soon a window unit was installed and she had cool air. Amazing!

I know that working in a hospital can't be easy. Patients need things, sometimes all at once. Buzzers ring and patients want to see a nurse immediately. Sometimes response times seem to drag on and on. To one in need, response time can be frustrating.

Perhaps that is why I was so amazed at the response of our little hospital. When a nurse was called, she was there immediately. Amazing! I'm sure I'll never get over the speed of installation of the air-conditioner.

Thankfully, Mother was released from the hospital. She is with me for a bit until she feels secure enough to go to her home. I'm NOT the nurse, but I'm just here. I can do that. I'm wondering how good I'll be at providing in a timely manner. I do believe our tiny hospital set standards for me to live up to.

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